Jul 1, 2014

Dear Band,
Another fine performance! As I reflect on our successes over the past few years I can’t help but say thank you for your commitment and dedication. A commitment not to performing music well but a commitment to each other and to giving your best. The common experience of giving and your pride in wanting to perform well has made the band exceptional.
I have received many accolades for your performance both after the concert and via email. I have included some of the emails. It is obvious that the community appreciates what you are sharing with them. It was well worth the extra efforts to get the music prepared so we could perform with the choir. The choir performed well, I especially liked The Battle Hymn, and the combined choir/band sounds really lifted the spirits of the audience.
Sitting in front of you, as John and Larry conducted, and listening to you perform, pride hit me pretty hard. I caught myself grinning outwardly and also inside for what we have accomplished. One of my goals when we started the band was that each player would take “personal ownership” in the band. We are reaching that goal – Thanks! Through your ownership we will continue to be exceptional.
As we take a few weeks off to rest and frolic, please be safe. I want to see each of you (and any recruits you can find) back on August 12, at 6:00 pm. You should receive a list of new music in a couple weeks.
As we reflect on our successes, I am so aware of who gave us our talents and if it were not for Him, we would be just another “me too” group. Thank you, Lord, for all you have given us.
Be safe, enjoy the family and the time off. See you in August.

Today was truly fabulous. Both groups really shone today.
I was especially proud of our flute section and Suzanne! WOW! They were “on” …as was both ensembles, separately and combined.
So glad I could be there to witness this event. The whole program concept was very moving and enjoyable, just the right amount of time and many nice moments, by both groups.
See you soon I hope,

“This is from a friend who has not been to a BB concert before. Another believer…….Marg
We just got back from the concert and I have to tell you how much I enjoyed it. I like to think of myself as a patriotic spirit and I will confess to being choked up for just about the entire performance. The band and the choir were nothing short of fabulous. A thoroughly wonderful experience.
John M”

“to Margaret,

I agree – I thought it was very well done. I miss all of you and will see you at the end of the summer. Happy tooting.

Thank you very much for all your thought and work for the America’s Pioneering Spirit program.
The concert today was superb!
We are blessed to have all the very talented and dedicated folks singing, playing, directing, assisting to produce the beautiful music of GFUMC.
Jefcoat, Keith”
“Ted, thank you for your kind words and your loving spirit. Thank you also for your wonderful support of the music program at GFUMC. It was our pleasure to present a concert that honors our loving God and our great country. Thank you again. I hope you have a great summer.”

Please convey my sincerest thanks and appreciate to everyone in the Believers Concert Band for their fine performance in yesterday’s patriotic concert. It was a privilege to stand on the podium and conduct the band and chancel choir, and while there are many musical moments that stand out in my mind, one of my favorites was the band’s performance of The Cowboys during the offertory. I congratulate you all on a job well done and look forward to hearing you again soon.
Richard, I cannot thank you enough for your support of this concert and leadership of the band. Thanks for all you do to promote music in worship at GFUMC and throughout our community.
Sincerest regards,
John LaForge
Director of Worship Arts
Gainesville First United Methodist Church”