Feb 11, 2015

Dear Band,
Nice Job!! You played well. You looked fantastic and it seemed as if everyone was having a good time. You stayed focused. Linda Butler said that we had 200 in the audience which is better that I expected for a week night and we received over $500 in donations – GREAT EVENING!
Following is a list of music to bring to rehearsal Tuesday. The Spring Concert in on Sunday afternoon, April 19. Please try and make as many rehearsals as possible because there are fewer rehearsals than usual to get ready.
It is rewarding to get all the “At-A-Boys” and “Great Job” from the audience after a concert. We could not have done it without the extra efforts of Beth, Larry, Bill and Diannasue. I appreciate Rudy for stepping in to help out as well as Doug and Jerry for getting things set up. The team effort is heartwarming. THANK YOU all for your commitment.
Don’t forget that our Sentimental Journey Jazz and Swing Band will be giving a free Valentines Dance this Friday, February 13. Doors open at 5:00pm and music starts at 6:45. Also, the Northwinds concert is February 28, at Pearce Auditorium – tickets are available from Richard Hunt or Karyl Evans.
Like I said at the beginning of the concert, it is a pleasure working with you.
Hope to see you next Tuesday and “Happy Trails.”