Apr 3, 2015

Dear Band,
What another fantastic rehearsal! We have one rehearsal and the “dress rehearsal” in the Sanctuary. It seems as if we will be right on target with the “heavy” songs. At our next rehearsal, we will spend more time on Pilgrim’s Chorus, Let Evening Come and Jeannie.

As we put the program together, I need your help. As you know, we list the Empty Chair names in our spring concert program. We have had so many names on an “on going” basis that we have put all Empty Chair names on our web site. We will only list those names of loved ones who have passed since April 1, 2014 thru our concert date, April 19, 2015. I only have two names Annie Lee Hunt, mother of Richard Hunt and Suzanne Fullam, mother of Beth Bryant. If we have missed a loved one, please return this email ASAP with your loved one’s name. We have to have copy ready by Monday. Thank you for your help.

Lastly, I hope that you will enjoy this Good Friday and Easter. I can think of nothing better to do than reflect on the events and be with family and friends. Thank you for allowing me into some of your life. You are important.

Have a safe and Happy Easter.
